Match Stats
3 1
Match Date Sun, Feb 13 2022 at 1:52 am Server [PURE] The Realm V2
Mutators AntiTweakV42, Auto Team Balance, Kick Idlers, Map-Vote LA13, Relic: Regen, Relic: Defense, Relic: Speed, Relic: Strength, Relic: Redemption, Relic: Vengeance, Revenge, SmartCTF 4D, Who Pushed Me? Map Name Control The Docks (mini-map)
Server Info Admin:


Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 6
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 2
Game Speed: 115
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: rest

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 370 5 2 7 14 8 33 13
us ROB (6th ) 207 4 5 8 18 3 1 13 6
mattack (15th ) 189 27 3 28 4 1 14 12
us Proxifer (30th ) 158 5 5 10 1 2 10 15
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 133 5 1 6 1 6 2 11 8
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 108 5 1 5 4 1 1 9 6
us Piggy (46th ) 22 4 1 5 5 3
Totals 3 1187 55 18 69 1 47 16 3 95 63
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us sobah (9th ) 222 8 15 23 1 20 2 14 7
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 157 11 10 20 17 2 1 11 12
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 130 2 2 4 5 9 7
us blue_ballz (18th ) 100 13 4 17 10 1 6 3
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 94 18 1 19 1 4 1 6 8
us uranus (44th ) 85 9 3 12 3 1 6 3
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 83 17 4 21 8 1 6 2
Totals 1 871 78 39 116 2 67 8 1 58 42

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca AnceriZ (17th )23:0037075877512350.0016.1500:20
us ROB (6th )23:002078594499461.2531.0400:30
mattack (15th )23:001897176705150.3318.9100:21
us Proxifer (30th )23:001585356873338.8214.6300:17
us Necromancer63 (74th )23:001333640964530.0011.9400:15
F_Ur_Ping (47th )23:0010845585913344.8512.4900:25
us Piggy (46th )18:49225164111124.297.4000:30
Totals3 (1187)370427477572042.7916.0800:23
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us sobah (9th )23:0722266826816649.8421.0600:22
Bob_Sacamano (8th )23:0015782956013256.4023.4900:25
ca Nitestalker (38th )22:541304953754237.3314.9900:20
us blue_ballz (18th )23:001005761634147.6918.3800:24
ca Games_Bookstore (60th )23:00944554719240.5817.6500:21
us uranus (44th )20:03855256604146.7210.5000:22
ca {DK}Cybie (34th )23:00833739672336.8410.5700:22
Totals1 (871)388440464521745.0616.6600:22

Kills Match Up
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 12 111  1610111217915
us ROB (6th )  921 1 2110171713911
mattack (15th )   5 1  515119161011
us Proxifer (30th )   1311 7610871011
us Necromancer63 (74th )    34116285987
F_Ur_Ping (47th )  11 113 810139696
us Piggy (46th )  1    11234 134
us sobah (9th ) 15818923114162  22 
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 17131119141013 13 1  1
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 711910864 141   
us blue_ballz (18th ) 1068151373   4  1
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 758101538 11 9  
us uranus (44th ) 10461091441    4 
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 9 5910542  1  2

Weapons Summary
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 1 2 47 1 7 19 16
us blue_ballz (18th ) 3 45 6 1 6 2
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 8 10 47 1 4 15 8 6
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 4 1 1 22 1 8 21 2 4
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 9 1 9 2 10 1 25 1
mattack (15th ) 4 8 4 23 2 5 23 6 3
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 1 6 10 4 7 8 1 13
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 9 1 1 3 2 3 1 3 4
us Piggy (46th ) 1 1 3 2 1 3 6 1
us Proxifer (30th ) 1 7 1 8 4 17 3 6 5 10
us ROB (6th ) 1 7 93 1
us sobah (9th ) 2 6 18 1 10 1 11 2
us uranus (44th ) 2 11 11 1 13 13 5 2
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 5 2 1 1 1 4 1 23 7
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 62 290 28 543 1 168 4
us blue_ballz (18th ) 2 256 2 507 2 67 29
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 12 323 34 99 2 148 63
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 6 12 272 47 822 162 32
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 22 121 43 497 8 459
mattack (15th ) 51 90 223 115 166 213 20
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 289 142 241 1466 5 185 8
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 20 28 42 288 937 32 277 14
us Piggy (46th ) 16 1 19 99 365 91 118 7
us Proxifer (30th ) 212 5 86 82 1739 39 143 80
us ROB (6th ) 20 458 28 3
us sobah (9th ) 2 114 291 7 117
us uranus (44th ) 64 15 103 19 1450 196 39
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 125 2 27 3 406 15 292
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 3 82 6 51 35
us blue_ballz (18th ) 92 48 5 11 3
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 1 65 23 23 37 11
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 1 41 20 66 33 8
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 2 16 10 93 6 76
mattack (15th ) 4 8 52 7 44 45 6
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 18 24 56 150 4 26 1
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 2 3 81 97 17 50 6
us Piggy (46th ) 2 2 18 3 15 13
us Proxifer (30th ) 21 17 39 230 12 22 8
us ROB (6th ) 1 154 2
us sobah (9th ) 29 59 4 26
us uranus (44th ) 7 1 17 7 115 45 6
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 7 1 6 1 33 2 42
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 125 8668 44 786 2830
us blue_ballz (18th ) 7579 846 120 1071 367
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 50 6984 192 450 2832 1487
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 55 4292 152 1110 2821 503
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 141 32 1556 173 1381 144 4655
mattack (15th ) 100 548 4389 204 671 3516 817
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 391 1529 689 2238 96 1748 67
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 35 180 710 1289 438 3503 552
us Piggy (46th ) 135 50 92 172 55 360 984
us Proxifer (30th ) 459 1628 317 3258 288 1194 619
us ROB (6th ) 50 18205 78
us sobah (9th ) 3009 1195 96 1768
us uranus (44th ) 270 106 64 1689 64 1826 2730 734
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 175 228 386 10 516 12 3178
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 4.84 28.28 21.43 9.39 20.83
us blue_ballz (18th ) 35.94 9.47 250.00 16.42 10.34
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 8.33 20.12 67.65 23.23 25.00 17.46
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 8.33 15.07 42.55 8.03 20.37 25.00
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 9.09 13.22 23.26 18.71 75.00 16.56
mattack (15th ) 7.84 8.89 23.32 6.09 26.51 21.13 30.00
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 6.23 16.90 23.24 10.23 80.00 14.05 12.50
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 10.00 7.14 28.13 10.35 53.13 18.05 42.86
us Piggy (46th ) 12.50 10.53 18.18 0.82 16.48 11.02
us Proxifer (30th ) 9.91 19.77 47.56 13.23 30.77 15.38 10.00
us ROB (6th ) 5.00 33.62 7.14
us sobah (9th ) 25.44 20.27 57.14 22.22
us uranus (44th ) 10.94 6.67 16.50 36.84 7.93 22.96 15.38
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 5.60 50.00 22.22 33.33 8.13 13.33 14.38

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 10 3 5
us blue_ballz (18th ) 5 1 3
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 17 3 1 1 10
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 5 3 1 2
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 8 3
mattack (15th ) 8 2 2
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 4
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 8 1
us Piggy (46th ) 3
us Proxifer (30th ) 6 1 1
us ROB (6th ) 14 3 1 6 1
us sobah (9th ) Yes 14 1 3
us uranus (44th ) 5 1 1
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 4 1

Pickups Summary
Pads Armour Keg Invisibility Shield
Damage Amp
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 8 4
us blue_ballz (18th ) 13 12
Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 8 14
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 12 12
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 6 5
mattack (15th ) 4 10
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 2 3
ca Nitestalker (38th ) 1
us Piggy (46th ) 2 4
us Proxifer (30th ) 4 1
us ROB (6th ) 2 6
us sobah (9th ) 11 9
us uranus (44th ) 6 4
ca {DK}Cybie (34th ) 1 3

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format