Match Stats
3 5
Match Date Sun, Apr 17 2022 at 1:42 am Server [PURE] The Realm V2
Mutators AntiTweakV42, Auto Team Balance, Kick Idlers, Map-Vote LA13, Relic: Regen, Relic: Defense, Relic: Speed, Relic: Strength, Relic: Redemption, Relic: Vengeance, Revenge, SmartCTF 4D, Who Pushed Me? Map Name Control The Docks (mini-map)
Server Info Admin:


Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 6
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 2
Game Speed: 115
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: work, mendzek

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us sobah (9th ) 262 15 4 19 2 6 4 23 9
us ROB (6th ) 190 13 4 16 17 1 1 14 4
us DeathToKen (35th ) 172 8 5 11 3 1 2 15 15
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 148 8 3 11 5 3 15 19
us blue_ballz (18th ) 148 9 2 11 14 7
us uranus (44th ) 58 1 3 4 5 4 2
Totals 3 978 54 21 72 2 36 9 3 85 56
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 316 1 2 3 11 3 27 14
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 187 23 15 35 7 2 3 14 15
us Proxifer (30th ) 184 7 4 11 1 13 2 14 8
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 153 6 3 9 2 11 3 7 4
ca plushie (11th ) 69 48 11 57 4 3 2 1 1
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 23 1 5 1 1 2 1
Totals 5 932 85 36 115 7 50 13 5 65 42

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us sobah (9th )23:0026261726211649.6814.7000:24
us ROB (6th )23:00190767969352.3222.7800:21
us DeathToKen (35th )22:5817226366410133.049.1000:23
us Necromancer63 (74th )23:001483132791530.336.9300:19
us blue_ballz (18th )23:00148495056146.7318.2300:27
us uranus (44th )05:175821211952.509.2900:18
Totals3 (978)264290349261244.1013.5100:22
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca AnceriZ (17th )23:003167885527358.6723.3400:29
us Bob_Sacamano (8th )23:0018742546512141.3517.3500:23
us Proxifer (30th )23:00184636770447.5213.8000:21
F_Ur_Ping (47th )23:0015360734313356.3015.3600:35
ca plushie (11th )23:00691623677425.7100:22
ca Games_Bookstore (60th )06:05232022182252.1719.5100:22
Totals5 (932)279324315451346.9514.8900:25

Kills Match Up
us sobah (9th ) 113 21 13211313162
us ROB (6th )  3    1717208125
us DeathToKen (35th )   101  6982111
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 3111  576982
us blue_ballz (18th )     1 65149133
us uranus (44th )       425145
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 19251312154721   
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 148111372 12  1 
us Proxifer (30th ) 10151414113  4   
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 9131821123 1 132 
ca plushie (11th ) 5148811 217 
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 233826 11  2

Weapons Summary
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 1 54 1 21 14
us blue_ballz (18th ) 5 2 29 3 8 3
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 5 2 26 1 3 15 2 2
us DeathToKen (35th ) 2 1 9 2 11 10 2 1
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 2 3 1 22 7 11 15 6 12
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 4 2 1 6 1 10 2
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 1 5 2 4 1 14 8 7
ca plushie (11th ) 4 8 15 4
us Proxifer (30th ) 1 5 19 4 15 6 5 9 3
us ROB (6th ) 1 3 70 3 2
us sobah (9th ) 6 9 29 3 7 19 11
us uranus (44th ) 5 1 6 4 4 1
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 41 14 354 178
us blue_ballz (18th ) 6 242 347 68 28
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 2 196 27 146 236 27
us DeathToKen (35th ) 6 185 172 1805 106 143
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 34 257 442 947 12 214 53
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 3 49 46 73 5 111
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 201 50 137 2689 13 173 13
ca plushie (11th )
us Proxifer (30th ) 74 156 123 1796 63 147 61
us ROB (6th ) 5 448 100
us sobah (9th ) 10 1 258 83 914 16 181
us uranus (44th ) 1 31 50 28 453 30 10
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 2 1 87 9 37
us blue_ballz (18th ) 66 35 18 7
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 36 4 23 44 3
us DeathToKen (35th ) 32 16 113 39 20
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 5 32 115 102 3 33 11
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 3 10 15 21
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 12 3 17 3 163 3 26
ca plushie (11th )
us Proxifer (30th ) 9 33 72 154 27 25 14
us ROB (6th ) 115 11
us sobah (9th ) 45 46 82 1 41
us uranus (44th ) 1 11 2 37 4 1
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 75 52 8843 188 2767
us blue_ballz (18th ) 4971 541 1098 599
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 418 4514 106 242 3004 284
us DeathToKen (35th ) 135 1850 431 1641 852 991
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 125 3410 1281 1771 67 2302 1072
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 150 772 246 1531
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 135 237 153 912 23 2251 72 1001
ca plushie (11th ) 1256
us Proxifer (30th ) 189 3180 611 2485 470 1302 1270
us ROB (6th ) 12602 370
us sobah (9th ) 4514 410 1071 24 3260
us uranus (44th ) 57 990 5 491 304 150
TranslocatorImpact HammerEnforcerDouble EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNone
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 4.88 7.14 24.58 20.79
us blue_ballz (18th ) 27.27 10.09 26.47 25.00
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 18.37 14.81 15.75 18.64 11.11
us DeathToKen (35th ) 17.30 9.30 6.26 36.79 13.99
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 14.71 12.45 26.02 10.77 25.00 15.42 20.75
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 6.12 21.74 20.55 18.92
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 5.97 6.00 12.41 6.06 23.08 15.03
ca plushie (11th )
us Proxifer (30th ) 12.16 21.15 58.54 8.57 42.86 17.01 22.95
us ROB (6th ) 25.67 11.00
us sobah (9th ) 17.44 55.42 8.97 6.25 22.65
us uranus (44th ) 3.23 22.00 7.14 8.17 13.33 10.00

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 12 1 8
us blue_ballz (18th ) 5 1
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 7 1 2
us DeathToKen (35th ) 4 1
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 8 1 1 2 2
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 2 1 2
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 3
ca plushie (11th ) 6
us Proxifer (30th ) 4 1 2 1
us ROB (6th ) 7 2 1 1
us sobah (9th ) Yes 9 2 1 2
us uranus (44th ) 2 1 1

Pickups Summary
Pads Armour Keg Invisibility Shield
Damage Amp
ca AnceriZ (17th ) 5 10
us blue_ballz (18th ) 20 11
us Bob_Sacamano (8th ) 14 2
us DeathToKen (35th ) 5 2
F_Ur_Ping (47th ) 5 11
ca Games_Bookstore (60th ) 1
us Necromancer63 (74th ) 3 3
ca plushie (11th ) 15 11
us Proxifer (30th ) 5 3
us ROB (6th ) 4 14
us sobah (9th ) 6 15
us uranus (44th ) 4

Match Report
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